Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic profession employs a whole person approach to treatment, encouraging natural health and well-being rather than focusing on aggressive drug therapies or invasive treatments.

Ongoing treatment is tailored to patients individually to alleviate pain and promote healing. However, chiropractic care also addresses lifestyle concerns to ease bodily stress and achieve lasting full-body health and wellness.

The body’s central nervous system, housed primarily in the skull and spinal cord, is the primary controller of the body’s well-being. Pinched nerves, damaged joints, misaligned spinal disks, fractures, and improper movement all have adverse effects on the body—and can cause severe pain, chronic aches, or a general feeling of discomfort.  Chiropractic care, doesn’t simply treat symptoms, but rather seeks to restore spinal alignment and function as a foundation to support healthy body function.

A properly aligned, healthy spine allows muscles, nerves, and internal organs to function effectively and increases the body’s ability to fight other illnesses. Mood, attitude, and vitality are also influenced by the nervous system; comprehensive chiropractic care, with its emphasis on safe, drug-free, and non-invasive treatment, can produce dramatic, lasting results.

Dr. Lehmann Can Help Patients of All Ages

Health challenges know no age limits. Dr. Lehmann has more than two decades of private practice experience and is committed to helping Chapin area residents of all ages find effective ways to restore wellness and live productive, pain-free lives.

With the training and experience to seek out the causes of discomfort, Dr. Lehmann works with each patient to develop an individualized treatment regimen. Ongoing spinal adjustment, postural advice, diet, exercise, and habit modification are just some of the methods employed.

At a young age, chiropractic care can begin and set a person on a path to lifelong wellness. At Lehmann Chiropractic, we teach the benefits of sitting, standing, and moving properly to help your body. Children as well as adults benefit from regular screenings to determine if there are underlying problems with the spine.

Elderly patients can benefit from regular screenings as well as lifestyle and mobility guidance. A person is never too old to feel better. Regular exercise and  massage, combined with gentle spinal adjustment, helps restore balance, mobility, and energy, as well as minimizing the risk of falls.

Committed to Chiropractic Care

We are committed to helping patients of all ages integrate chiropractic care as a part of their overall wellness routine. If you suffer from the chronic distress of fibromyalgia, arthritis, neck or back pain, sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, or recurring headaches, are recovering from surgery, a sports injury, or just want to feel better in your everyday life, contact us to schedule a consultation. We can help you find the path to wellness and help restore your energy and enthusiasm.

Dr. Lehmann is very attentive and engaged in his patient’s care. He wants to know everything in regards to your health, in order to get your entire body working and feeling the way it should. He helped my husband for over a month now after a terrible car accident and every time we come in he is asking how my husband is feeling in regards to both physical and emotional health. He is very knowledgeable and shares every bit of that knowledge in order for you to know about your own body and health. I cannot say enough about this practice.

Amy W.

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