Chiropractic Adjustments

At Lehmann Chiropractic, one of the main treatments provided for patients is chiropractic adjustments, also referred to as spinal manipulation.

Chiropractic adjustments help to put the spine back into the proper alignment, taking pressure off nerves and boosting range of motion to reduce pain and help the body work at its best. Proper spinal alignment reduces pain and helps the nervous system carry out its roll of directing and controlling every tissue cell in your body. Dr. Lehmann creates targeted treatment plans based on the needs of each individual patient.

What Happens During Chiropractic Adjustments?

If you’ve never visited a chiropractor before, the thought of having an adjustment may seem daunting. It can be helpful to learn more about this practice so you can understand what is happening during the treatment.

During an adjustment, Dr. Lehmann will put gentle force on specific vertebrae to improve spinal alignment and range of motion. You might hear a popping noise during treatment. This is simply joint gas releasing and is nothing to be concerned about.

During treatments, Dr. Lehmann can also provide milder forms of chiropractic manipulation, such as Activator Technique and lifestyle guidance.

Consistent Adjustments

It’s important for you to receive regular chiropractic adjustments to maintain proper alignment and function of the spine and joints. Sports, poor sleep habits, or poor posture can cause frequent problems to occur in the spine, as well as other areas. Regular adjustments help you keep your nervous system healthy and well-tuned.

Dr. Lehmann provides adjustments and other chiropractic care to patients of all ages in Chapin, South Carolina, and surrounding areas. With over 20 years of experience, Lehmann Chiropractic offers the Chapin community experienced, ethical and compassionate chiropractic care that improves the health and lives of the patients we serve. To request a consultation or to schedule an appointment, contact us today!

If you are looking for a Chiropractor or have any kind of back/neck pain, look no further than right here. Dr. Lehmann and his staff will take great care of you. I got my first adjustment on Monday and have been feeling wonderful! Seriously, go for a consultation. You won’t regret it!

April G.

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